If you’ve gone to the store lately then you’ve probably noticed how many products are starting to say things like, “Non-GMO”, or “Organic”.
-Why does that matter?
-What are GMO's?
-And does eating GMO or Non-Organic foods or ingredients have any type of impact on yourself or the environment?
First of all GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism. Meaning down to a cellular level the plant has been rewritten or manipulated to have completely different traits, resistances, and growth rates. Basically scientists in labs turn normal plants into super plants that maybe require less water during their life cycle, have a resistance to diseases or pesticides, or even grow faster than their organic counterparts. But the main reason scientists created GMO’s is because the pesticides they use on the plants were lethal and down right poisonous to normal plants.
Now the majority of chemical based corporations that make GMO plants and seeds say that there aren't ANY substantial studies that show any ill side effects to humans that eat said plants and products...
Now they may be partially correct in the form of it is pretty hard to determine the end affect from eating GMO plants concerning a complex human. GMO plants that have been sprayed with pesticides and herbicides, which the plant ultimately absorbs through its roots, then the plants cell tissue (what we eat) which is packed with those very same poisons and GMO traits have been proven in lab tests on animals to show very concerning side effects. But what happens after we eat those very same plants and the affects they can cause is where it gets messy. This is hard to determine in the long term for us humans.
But what independent tests done by mostly European countries and a couple of Environmental organizations here in America have found is that no food in the United States is forced by the FDA or Federal Government to submit to any testing or proof of safeness of genetically modified foods.(The DARK Act-Look it up)
Though it is weird that selling "organic" foods is put through the wringer with extremely strict testing.
Although GMO’s are largely banned throughout the rest Of the world that’s not the case here in America.
What are the possible side effects of GMO foods that you, your children and grandparents eat on a daily basis?
1.Toxicity- Randomly modifying plant DNA turns some “GOOD” nutrients into BAD Or even toxic nutrients.
2. Allergens- With mixing, manipulating, and creating thousands of new plants, this creates new allergens which would not be present in normal foods like eating a soy bean and having a nut allergy attack.
3. Antibiotic Resistance- this is especially bad for kids and older people. By manipulating the DNA in plants and making them into super plants where normal plant illnesses won’t effect them, the antibiotic trait is transferred to us which in turn damages our immune system so that when we get sick and have to take medicine like antibiotics, they won't work as well or at all.
4. CANCER- Basically adding things like Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) to make cows produce more milk which in turn causes an increase in insulin like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) which when ingested doesn’t get broken down in your stomach and instead moves on to your intestines and later your blood stream. IGF-1 is found to be a main component in certain cancers like breast cancer and prostate cancer. (Check you milk)
There is so much more info on GMO’s but main thing to take away from this is eat USDA organic because that is the most diligent tested products, and start cutting back on foods that don’t say anything about Non-GMO’s.
Be sure to comment or pitch in your own information on GMO’s!
